Freelance Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Bitch Media is forming a Solidarity to everyone affected by the media layoffs
It’s not enough and journalists deserve so much better, but we’re always accepting pitches (we publish cultural commentary, screen and book reviews with a feminist lens, politics stories, etc.) (August 26)
Natasha Bernal, Business editor @ WIRED UK is looking to broaden her freelance pool for new commissions.
If you are a great UK business journalist with tech experience, who is bursting with ideas, and we haven't met yet, please say hi. If you know someone, intro us! Email: Natasha: We don't pay per word, but instead by the complexity of a story. If it is exclusive and involves a lot of legwork, we will reflect that in writers' pay.
DAME Magazine is looking for human-centric, solutions-based stories, that feature real people addressing problems in their community + the context of how their narrative connects to the big issues we collectively face.
Dame would love to be publishing more on climate, disability rights, economy/poverty, infrastructure, off-beat, weird or quirky narratives that would surprise readers. And we're actively looking for more media criticism features.
Rates range based on type of feature but typically we pay $150 for essays and between $300-$500 for reported features."
Bob Sorokanich, Deputy Editor at Road & Track is looking for freelance pitches on Road Trip Stories.
"If you're a writer and you want to pitch a freelance piece about cars, hit me up. road trip stories, first car memories, it doesn't have to be nuts-and-bolts. my contact info is in my bio. Email:"
Paste Magazine is looking for foodie freelancers,
Mostly looking for entertaining takes on national trends/chains/brands since we only publish a few food-related pieces each month. Examples: Send food pitches to
614 Magazine, A Beautiful Columbus Ohio Magazine Needs Freelance Writers for The Print publications.
Are you good with deadlines and writing awesome content? This might be the job for you! Learn how to apply here.
Are you plugged in to the arts, culture, and food scene here in Columbus? Can you be depended on to make deadlines, reach out to sources for interviews, and deliver outstanding content? If this is you, please email with links to your best published writing examples and a little about yourself. We pay $100 per published article."
Layla Schlack, Associate Managing Editor, Print, at Wine Enthusiast is looking fro for Front of Book Pieces for 2022
"I'm looking for front-of-book pieces for early 2022 issues. These are 350-to 650-word pieces that focus on how/where wine is made or consumed and do not focus on an individual or single business. Pay is $1/word. Email: Layla at:"
Garner the entire editorial staff's email and social media accounts for WIRED UK and many more inside The Big Fat Media Guide. Order your copy here.
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