Writing Opportunities for Writers Like Me

Good morning Writers:
I don't usually post about full time jobs but these opportunities sounded fantastic for someone like you so if you quality and looking for full time employment, you should apply.
Openings at Buzzfeed and HuffPost. Learn more below and how to apply.
Celeste Lavin, the Front page editor @huffpost is looking to add to her team.
Come work with me! I love my job and the front page team @HuffPost! Now hiring a front page editor boards.greenhouse.io/buzzfeed/jobs/
These are the minimum wage scales as defined by our union contract. I don’t know the exact salary for this listing but would definitely be at least the $66,533 2021 minimum for an editor. The contract: wgaeast.org/wp-content/upl
@BuzzFeedNews posted. "@BuzzFeedNews. @elamin88"
Managing Editor,
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