Freelance Opportunities For Freelancers Like Me

Verywell Family Looking For BIPOC and Trans/Nonbinary Writers
Amelia Edelman, Assistant General Manager Verywell Family Posted:
"Writers! We are actively recruiting BIPOC and trans/nonbinary writers w/experience reporting on health & parenting for @Verywell family. Send clips/intro to #binders"
Email Amelia Edelman at
Insider Looking For Pitches and Freelance Travel Writers
Rosemary Donahue, Health and Parenting Editor of Insider Looking For Pitches:
Laura Casado, Associate Travel Editor of Insider Looking For Freelance Travel Writers
"Happy Tuesday! I’m looking for freelance travel writers from/based in these cities for a city guide assignment on each location for @thisisinsider:
- Orlando, FL
- Las Vegas, NV
- London, UK"
"Rate is $800, please email me at if this is you and include the city name in the subject line, and I’ll share more info! Please also detail in your email why you’re an expert on the city and share relevant past travel/city exploring clips!"
"For an idea of what this assignment will be (and if you have similar past clips to share), check out our most recent guide to Portland, OR:"
Email Laura at
Visit The Stylists Suite Page For More Writing Opportunity
Cosmopolitan's Features Editor Looking For Pitches
Freelance Opportunities For Freelancers Like Me
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