Freelance Opportunities For Freelancers Like Me

Essence Girls United's Writer Looking For Pitches
Kenyatta Victoria, Writer at Essence Girls United Posted:
"Spring is upon us🥳 for @EssenceGU @dvniellewright and I are looking for pitches on all things Women’s History, Fashion, Trends and Beauty🥳 Email me"
Stylist Magazine's Features Editor Looking To Commission Pieces for Stylist Extra for Feb/March
Hannah Keegan, Features Editor of Stylist Magazine Posted:
"Hello, I’m looking to commission a batch of pieces for Stylist Extra for Feb/March. I’m after reported features and interesting first-person/essays. Is there a trend you want to properly explore? An experience/event you want to report on? Send your idea my way."
Vulture's Recommendations Editor Looking For Pitches
James Grebey, Recommendations Editor of Vulture Posted:
"Some personal news/call for pitches:
I'm stepping in as @vulture's Recommendations Editor for the next several months, so please pitch me! We're looking for fun, insightful rankings and round-ups for March pegs and beyond. Pitch guide here!"
VICE UK's Managing Editor Looking For Writer to Write a Feature for VICE
Becky Burgum, Managing Editor of VICE UK Posted:
"@journo_request Looking for a funny cat person writer (who ideally dislikes dogs) to write a feature for VICE! "
British GLAMOUR's Purpose Editor & Deputy Website Editor Looking For Pitches
Lucy Morgan, Purpose Editor & Deputy Website Editor of British GLAMOUR Posted:
"Seeking pitches around sexual consent and the UK legal system for
@GlamourMagUK – please email me on #journorequest"
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Freelance and Magazine Job Opportunities of the Week
Freelance and Magazine Job Opportunities of the Week
Freelance Opportunities For Freelancers Like Me
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