Freelance Opportunities For Freelancers Like Me - June 26, 2023

Chicago Review of Books @ChicagoRevBooks: WRITE FOR US! Alongside reviews and interviews, CHIRB is looking to publish new feature essays in the following 4 categories. We pay!
Ross Anderson @ThatRossChap: I'm proud to announce that I am the new Life Editor at @TheSpectator, the US edition of the world's oldest magazine. I’ll still be writing articles — more than ever — but I’ll also be commissioning pieces; and if you love lifestyle writing as much as I do, I want to publish you! I want interesting, fun, compelling stories on food, lifestyle trends, cars, regional culture, architecture, fashion influences, travel, consumer tech, and anything else in the ‘life’ category— all done with a Spectator twist. So pitch me at

Mark Peikert @MarkPeikert: Looking for writers to pitch stories about anime TV series!
Helen Thomson @hvthomson: I'm looking for a senior/experienced features writer with a background in neuroscience for a feature for New Scientist. Please get in touch if you'd like to introduce yourself!
Christa Terry, Arts Editor @CTerryObserver: Arts writers! @observer is looking for visual arts content, including exhibition show (pre)reviews, artist interviews and sharp commentary on the arts. Rate: $300. Email me with [PITCH] in the subject:
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