Freelance Writers. Want to Write? Here are some Opportunities For You

Output, the Music Software Brand, Needs A Writer to do Profiles
Looking for writers who can do profiles on notable/rising producers, engineers, songwriters, or ppl doing dope audio projects in general.
Dusty Baxter-Wright, Entertainment Editor at Cosmo UK is looking for Pitches on XMas Films
Looking for Entertainment pitches to run before 2022 - topical, timely (Selling Sunset, Emily In Paris, And Just Like That) or a new take on the usual Christmas films (Love Actually, The Holiday, The Grinch) for Cosmo UK, Email Dusty:
The Quintessential Gentleman is Hiring New Writers.
Do you enjoy reading and writing about current events and culture, especially topics interesting to Black men? Join our team! We’re looking for writers to help us to continue to tell our stories! Email to learn more about this opportunity!
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