Giving is a Family Affair at the 2nd Annual WACO Wearable Art Gala

The Carter (Jay Z, Beyonce & Blue Ivy) family, Johnson (Magic & Cookie) family, the (Samuel & LaTanya) Jacksons and the Lawson (Richard, Tina Knowles & Bianca) clan came together Saturday night for a family affair. The 2nd annual Wearable Art Gala in downtown Los Angeles gave everyone a chance to get fresh, clean and dressed to impress in support of the North Hollywood-based WACO (Wear Art Can Occur) Theater Center. WACO houses Tina’s Angels, Richard’s Warriors, mentoring programs for teenage boys and girls, and its’ Mobile Theater. “We’re here to celebrate young people,” says Terry McMillan, “And what Beyonce and her Momma and her step father are trying to do for young people as far as literacy, education and how to protect them.”
WACO became official opening its doors in April by adopting the Kipp Academy of LA offering a full year-long mentorship to a group of young people; operating Saturday sessions, acting classes, field trips and self empowerment training.
“Like my mother always said, ‘you can be on the right track but still get ran over,’ so it’s important to have people who can tell you when you’re being distracted and keep you focused and that’s what Richard’s Warriors and Tina’s Angels are doing,” believes attendee, Glen Turman. “Keeping these young people focused and on track”
Hosted by Philanthropists, Richard Lawson and wife, Tina Knowles Lawson, the Wearable Art Gala self-expressive red carpet, auction and award ceremony simply showcased their love for their family. Richard and Tina with their close-knit group of friends give and give in a big way.
Glynn Turman, his wife Joann with daughter, Richard Lawson’s daughter, Bianca Lawson (Queen Sugar) Magic and Cookie Johnson, Samuel L. and LaTanya Jackson, authors Micheal Eric Dyson and Terry McMillan, Rodney and Holly Robinson-Peete, Representative Maxine Waters, Philantropist Felicia Horowitz, Khephra Burns and wife Susan Taylor, even Tyler Perry were among the attendees to the red carpeted event where the more elaborate and artistic, the better.
Some adorned the themed Black Panther, Wakanda inspired African-garb like Robi Reed who graced the carpet in a full length mudd cloth dress conceived by Costume Designer Ruth Carter. Susan Taylor wore a Queen’s crown on the aim of her husband who wore a warriors red-laced cape. Others set their own style like Cookie Johnson who wore a leather-like, cat suit with added leopard print with puffed shoulders. Costumed in a seamless taupe fitted gown with structured feathers attached to her right arm, Tina Knowles Lawson designed allowed her imagination to fly free.
“Rarely do you see people dress with this much imagination. Because this is about young people; for young people to see adults use their imagination. It helps them to us their imagination and not be so stifulled by peer pressure and by other peoples opinions,” voiced Richard Lawson. “Look around you, the people that are dressed boldly don’t really care about what other people think. This is an expression of who they are. And that’s what we’re about. Do you!.”
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