Gucci announces a program to foster action in the African-American community

Gucci announces a program to foster action in the African-American community
Gucci announces a global program to foster unity through action in the African-American community called Gucci Changemakers.
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The Changemakers program includes a multi-year US$ 5 million Changemakers Fund and a US$ 1.5 million scholarship program in US, alongside a global employee-volunteering framework that will fuel the company’s commitment to
creating lasting social impact in our communities and within the fashion industry.'
“I believe in dialogue, building bridges and taking quick action,” said Marco Bizzarri, Gucci President and CEO. “This is why we started working immediately on the long-term infrastructure at Gucci to address our
shortcomings. And now through our Changemakers program, we will invest important resources to unify and strengthen our communities across North America, with a focus on programs that will impact youth and the African-American community.”

Led by a Culture of Purpose, we are thoughtful about where we should and can use our time to great effect. Volunteering generates benefits to both charities and NGOs as well as individuals who decide to dedicate their time for these activities.

Our mission at Gucci is to deliver meaningful change so we are looking at long-term ways of creating deep, authentic partnerships with a variety of charities and NGOs across the world.

In 2019 we launched a new company-wide volunteering program called Gucci Changemakers, inspired by Salesforce’s Pledge 1% philanthropic model established in 2000, which empowers all our employees worldwide to dedicate 1% of their working time, between 2 and 4 paid work days (depending on type of employment contract), for volunteering activities with their preferred not-for-profits under four pillars: gender Equality, Refugees and Homeless, Education, Environment

Any of our employees can apply for an opportunity with a non-profit organization that is already in the dedicated internal platform or they can suggest an activity or a non-profit organization they would like to volunteer with, that would be checked before approval.

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