More Writing Gigs At The New York Times

My post on NY Times Magazine's editorial needs got such a great response, I thought I'd do a follow up. Here are a few gigs that writers like me would appreciate.
Looking for a National NBA Writer:
The New York Times is seeking a creative, versatile writer who can channel their love of news and stories into the biggest, broadest coverage of the NBA and basketball.
If you think a box score tells you most of what you need to know about a game, this job isn’t for you. If you’re as eager to write about LeBron James as you are about the last player on the bench and you understand that the Clippers’ tunnel, “taking things personally” and crying Embiid have a role in the NBA conversation (and you know what all of those things are) step forward.
This is a job for a big thinker who can put basketball and the people in it in the broadest context with a writing flair that will make basketball fans and general readers look forward to your byline. You must be agile in a variety of story forms, including Q. & A.s, explainers, investigations and more. We are looking for someone eager to delve into issues of race and social and political activism in the sport and the way basketball often informs the zeitgeist. This position is based in New York, with some remote work allowed. Favor will be given to those with a minimum of five years professional journalism experience (and if not in sports, a demonstrated deep knowledge of basketball is a must).
Please apply in Workday with a resume, clips and a few sample story ideas. Please submit all materials as a single PDF Here. (You Must sign up for an account)
Looking for Two Senior Editors
The Times is searching for two Senior Staff Editors to create and grow a portfolio of high-profile newsletters in partnership with senior editors, working with some of the biggest names in Opinion and beyond.
These editors must be exceptional at helping thinkers, writers and podcasters produce striking, conversation-sparking work, in a conversational format that creates an intimate connection with readers. They know the difference between provocation and a good argument, and will help writers quickly find their way to the best possible expression of their ideas.
Looking for A Cooking Video Editor
New York Times Cooking is looking for a versatile video producer to work on quick-turn cooking videos for our off-platform audiences. This producer will help the NYT Cooking social and video team optimize videos across social platforms and will support a new initiative on TikTok. They will be responsible for capturing original platform-specific social videos and working on emerging formats for use across NYT Cooking social accounts. The producer should be familiar with all aspects of video production, have a background in digital video and a passion for creating engaging social food content. They will work closely with the social and video team to shoot and edit videos for NYT Cooking.
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