Opportunity for Freelance Writers to get Consistent work from Forbes Home and Apartment Therapy

There's an opportunity for freelance writers to get consistent work this year from Forbes Home and Apartment Therapy covering: • interior design/style • home decor • home improvement : $150-$500/per
A good pitch looks kinda like this: Here's A Potential Headline For My Pitch Tell us your angle here. I really think 2-3 sentences is enough. If a pitch is too long, I might not have time to read it — and we don't want that! Keep your idea concise, and to the point!
For AT, you can email me directly at savannah@apartmenttherapy.com with your pitches. For Forbes, you can DM your portfolio/clips + email address to me and I'll pass your info along to the Assigning Editor! She'll reach out directly if she's interested.
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