Writing and Freelance Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Writing and Freelance Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me
Traveling and Eating and writing, On My!
Happy Friday freelancers, just two opportunities today but I didn't want you to go into the weekend without the share. Get your pitches and resumes ready. ~ Darralynn

is looking to add a content update editor to our team. P/T on your own schedule (15-20 hours/week), remote in U.S., $25/hour. Info here: app.jobvite.com/m?3hfONlwX (Please apply there, but I am the hiring manager and can answer questions!) Email: lratliff@tripsavvy.com

Monica Williams the new editor at EATER Detroit is looking for writers.

"Hi Darralynn. I'm the editor of Eater Detroit and I'm looking for writers. I was wondering if you might considering including this in one of your upcoming posts:https://detroit.eater.com/2018/2/26/16985916/eater-detroit-pitching-stories-guidelines-how-to-pitch" Her email address:  monica.williams@eater.com

Also, Last but not least, JUST IN.
Planet Detroit is looking for a BIPOC multimedia producer to create content for an environmental tour site for Planet Detroit. The job pays $6000 for the project package. Due by August 21. Please email: Nina Misuraca Ignaczak at nina@planetdetroit.org
There are six tour locations:
  1. The Detroit Incinerator
  2. Belle isle/Uniroyal Site
  3. Rouge Park
  4. Red Run Drain
  5. Southwest Detroit
  6. Highland Park: Parker Village, & Avalon Village & Soulardarity
For each site, the producer will create:
Site name
Multimedia element: Photos and 1-2 minute audio recordings of the personal experiences of one or two involved community members on-site. s
How I am are involved in this place?
What people should know about what happened here?
What I hope happens here in the future?
Directions: Short text description/directions describing the location and how to access it once you’re in the area.
Description of the main site: 500-word description of the history and current challenges at the site.
What happened here? Who was affected? How did the local community respond? Include dates, key events.
Audio element: Recording of the description. Owolabi?
Call to action Where to go to learn more (web links, etc.)
Additional locations within site: Location and 50-word descriptions of any additional nearby places to visit.
Go Get 'Em!

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