Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

We found opportunities for freelancing at @ShondaLand and the Chicago Reader.
Britni Danielle @BritniDWrites: FYI: Tracy's only looking for a handful of essays, but submit your pitch ideas. I might be too late but Pitch anyway. Rate: $500 [quote tweeted Tracy Chabala @tracyachabala: Looking for Mother's Day essays on the following themes:Mom who's gone, but you still celebrate each year
Mom who's passed from Covid.
Joy of seeing mom this year thanks to vaccines
No mom? No relationship? Have an alternative mom?
Brianna Wellen @BriannaWellen: Just a reminder that I am ALWAYS accepting arts and culture pitches for the @Chicago_Reader: reported features, criticism, profiles, etc. POC and LGBTQ+ writers encouraged to reach out! Tell me what the people of Chicago need to know about. bwellen@chicagoreader.
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