Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Paulina Jayne Isaac @paulinajayne15: I have news I’m now the Features Editor at @runnersworld @BicyclingMag @PopMech @BestProducts and will focus on editing long-form pieces. So excited to put on my editing cap and learn from the talented minds at Hearst! Pitch me at paulina.isaac@hearst.com
Emily @emlevinnn: Seeking celeb/sports/historical writer for branded content article about Muhammad Ali's activism. Rate is $1k, ~750 words. Email emily.levin@thedailybeast.com, subj: Muhammad Ali Writer, with your pitch and 2-3 most relevant clips! Looking for the writing you've done that would be most similar -- like any profiles of celebrities or historical figures, or discussing prominent activist figures. Doesn't have to be one-to-one, but whatever would best demonstrate your voice in tackling this piece.
Adrian J. Rivera @lwaysadrian: After six weeks with @nytopinion , happy to say I’m finally feeling settled! Many thanks to all those who have made that feeling possible, far too many to list here. With that: pitch me! I love reading submissions on all topics, so long as it has an argument. What do I mean? Ask yourself: What’s the argument I want to make? Is that argument new? If it isn’t, what am I adding to it? Why am I the right person to make this case? Why do readers need to know about it right now? To the above point, I am less interested in personal essays about experiences. That's not to say "no personal essays." Rather, send me a personal essay with an argument or an idea at its core. Your life of course informs your opinion, but argument has to come first. Send pitches to adrian.rivera@nytimes.com. I’m interested in hearing from everybody, but especially from BIPOC, queer people, low-income people, people outside of New York, LA, and DC, and from people who have been hesitant to pitch to an editor before. Feel free to DM any questions you have about what I’ve written here, or about anything else! Hoping to hear from you soon
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