BOF500 releases its 500 Influencers in Fashion this week

This week, designer and black so-called advocate, Kerby Jean Raymond had a hissy fit on; drafting a long, privileged letter to the people the produced this year Annual BOF 500 List. Pyer Moss creator and chief designer was pissed the fuck off that he was used by the editor of BOF, an industry leader, not unlike Conde Nast or Hearst. His ideas, his resources, his ideas, all were used by a large conglomerate to monetize their brand. Boo fucking hoo. You were invited to one of the largest fashion events in the world to be honored; to sit on a panel with other industry leaders and then asked to refer OTHER minority leaders to also be honored at an international fashion event. THEN, it pissed you off because they hired some black folks in a choir to sing at the event AND because he didn’t’ mention your name in his speech. Get the fuck outta here! First of all, do you know how many of US wish that we could not only have a conversation with the EIC of BOF but to be in the position to be LISTENED TO and RESPECTED by an industry leader. And you were so pissed that you had to burn a bridge. Stupid fucking privilege.
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I’m sure it wasn’t your intent Kerby but let me tell you something from someone on the other side. You bring millions of black kids who love clothes with you when you walk inside of an event like BOF. It’s not just you. It’s all of the black journalists who will NEVER set foot in those doors. It’s for all of the other black designers that aren't’ as fortunate as you that you don’t flaunt their ego because someone didn’t recognize their fucking brilliance. What about Dapper Dan? Didn’t HE deserve some respect that night? How long did Dapper Dan get disrespected by the media? By the luxury brands he helped bring to the urban market? Chika? Think of how many people stole her ideas over the years, or did her wrong and didn’t respect her? Or we won’t even go into talking about Indya Moore? But no because they didn’t say KERBY’s mutherfucking name, now all of the attention is on Kerby instead of the list of deserving fashion icons.
But hey, Kerby’s pissed and we should know about it. If all Kerby thinks about is Kerby then FUCK Kerby.
Dapper Dan said it so eloquently "There is a unique challenge in being a Black man with a voice for change. Because your biggest critics may be your own brothers and sisters. It’s a lesson that I learned from both MALCOLM and MARTIN. However, thank you to those who believe in me, and thank you to @Gucci for listening to my voice and making the necessary changes that are leading the way to change in the fashion industry—from top to bottom. And most of all, thank you to the #Changemakers—the professional corporate minds that heard my appeal to come together to formulate a plan of change. Nothing could have happened without your expertise nor your experience in inclusion and diversity. Our work is just beginning, and we are committed to staying the course. Thank you, and God bless all 🙏🏿 "
Take this opportunity to ask them to hire more black writers? Bring in more designers that might NOT be tired of panels? Fuck! Why not demand they hire more Editors or Event Producers! There is so much MORE that you could have done to bring more black people into BOF. It’s not about you boo! It’s not about you.
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