Cosmopolitan's New Opinions Editor - Patrice Peck Is Actively Looking for Pitches!

Announced before the Holidays that she was the New Senior Opinion Editor at Cosmopolitan. Remember we posted about it... Seems like she's actively looking for pitches. Got Ideas, Read all the way to the End?
"Very excited to announce that I’ve recently joined @Cosmopolitan as the senior opinion editor. So pitch me! I’m looking for personal essays, reported pieces, and cultural criticism for the *opinion* section.
Keep reading for rates & more pitching info:
Rates typically start between $250-$350 and can scale up depending on the scope and requirements of each piece. Ideal word count typically ranges from 600-900.
Here’s how to pitch me: Send an email to In the subject line, write PITCH: [A Possible Headline For Your Piece].
If we haven’t worked together before, write 2-3 lines about you and your writing and include links to your portfolio and/or writing clips, your most recent and your best.
Now pitch! This is where you get to flex your writing and persuasion skills. Make the following as *clear* & compelling as possible: 1. Your main opinion 2. The specific grounds for your reasoning, how you plan to make your case (gimme the receipts!) 3. Why now & why Cosmo
Include the projected word count and a feasible deadline. Several pitches in one email is fine as long as they each have the info above. And if you’ve already written the piece, feel free to include it.
Your pitch should center on an opinion that you’ll justify with thoughtful reasoning, insightful facts, and strong resources that support your viewpoint. Show me how your piece will help readers make sense of and better understand people, events, ideas, trends, or culture.
Topics can range from irreverent pop culture rants to nuanced takes on public policy. Whether it's niche or mainstream, beloved or unpopular, timely or random, I’m down as long as you’ve got a clear opinion and a strong, thoughtful argument to back it up.
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