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Freelance Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

antiracismdaily @antiracismdly: Now accepting pitches for the ARD! $300 for 700-800 words, paid upon publication, on the following topics. Pitches from BIPOC writers prioritized. Email us at submissions@antiracismdaily.
1. Stories of LGBTQ+ experiences as a person of color living in the midwest
2. Insights on the term "Hispanic" and how you may / may not relate to the terminology.
3. The history of Puerto Rico and its fight for independence and autonomy

mater mea @matermea: CALL FOR PITCHES: Black motherhood site looking for personal essays and reported features. Especially interested in hearing from queer parents. Pay ranges from $100-$250. Email with pitch and link to past writing samples.

Richard HP @richardhp: Looking for freelance news reporters to work for @MetroUK *Must* have NCTJ qualifications and worked full time in a newsroom for at least two years. (No "soon-to qualify", sorry) To apply, get in touch with

Sarah Goldstein @certainly_sarah: Rare work tweet: I am looking for a bio writer for a pop-punk band! please send through your recs, femmes and POC to the front please :)

Chloe Ellen Stewart @ChloeStewart: JOB NEWS A bit late with this, but I’m happy to share that I’m now Showbiz & TV Editor at Daily Star Online. If you’re keen for freelance shifts with a super friendly & hardworking team, email

Molly Simms @themollysimms: Writers: I'm sourcing pitches for (funny, frank, inspiring, surprising) personal essays for—ideally 500-1000 wds. Please send your brilliance my way:

Kya Buller @kyajbuller: I'm back and I want your pitches for @aureliamagazine - we publish personal essays/first-person narratives so send ideas centered on your lived experiences, love, hope, sex, identity, family, friendship etc! Get me on Marginalised genders only We're committed to uplifting stories of LGBTQ+ people year round, but as it's Pride Month I thought I'd give this a boost - would love to hear from you! Email me your ideas again, it's [(£40) for commissioned articles]

insideWaterloo @InsideWaterloo: It’s Pride Month, and we’re looking for stories touching on the LGBTQ+ experience. Calling all QTPOC writers in Waterloo region. Interested in writing for us? Get in touch with us at
erin taylor @erinisaway: just going to QRT this but also my email inbox (not dm) is open to pitches for arts stories (features, reviews, criticism, interviews) [quoted tweet: I am now considering arts pitches for April! <3 I like interesting arts features, reviews of quality shows (focus on NYC tho), unique artist profiles, and stories about the state of the arts world email: fine arts is not entertainment at Observer tho (send entertainment pitches to @e_vb_ ) fine arts includes visual arts (of all kinds), ballet/dance, opera, theater, museums/galleries, books, and some films with art focus for transparency my budget is small! my budget for pieces ranges anywhere from $180-$300! I wish I could offer more I enjoy working with writers of a variety of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives! I look forward to your pitches.
Tara Evans @taraevans [Digital Consumer Editor @TheSun]: Just a reminder to freelancers - particularly personal finance specialists - that I am ALWAYS looking for pitches for features and exclusives. If you want to know what works for us drop me an email with some ideas and we can chat. Thanks! []
Simon Brew @simonbrew: Looking to commission a fresh batch of @whynowworld features over the next week. Films, TV, games: if you've got interesting ideas, pitch them my way! [Adds in another tweet: Sorry: forgot to say, I can't take pitches via Twitter DM or LinkedIn I'm afraid. Way too many of them, and it's hard enough keeping up with emails. Sorry! Should have said that before...More info about pitching him in this thread] [via DMs: Whynow pays £150 per piece]
Sarah Robinson @saraheawn: Hey #PublicHealthTwitter I’m the Health Equity Promoter with @thesexmed + we’re looking for writers for our educational platform! Check us out and send me a DM if interested. We’re looking to publish pieces that highlight sexual health topics missing from healthcare curriculum. [pitch form with more info:
Dani Golub @dani_golub: Fellow writers! -- Looking for a freelance script writer for an entertainment/celebrity news outlet. This would be a regular freelance gig and you are paid per piece. DM me if interested. Must be a celebrity news expert! [via DMs: We are looking for someone who is a pop culture expert who can turn around 3 (ish) minute scripts in around an hour. Outlet is Clevver News (Hearst Magazines) and pay is per post. I believe it's $40 a story (they should only take an hour)]
OrderoftheGoodDeath @OrderGoodDeath: Want to write for us? Great! Here’s our pitch guide, to help you know more about what we’re looking for. http://www.
James Yeh @jamesyeh: Some personal news: I am delighted to share that I am now the reviews editor of @believermag. I'd love to see pitches for upcoming, misunderstood, and/or underappreciated works—books, films, TV, art, music, performance—that you'd like to write about. So you know, we are currently commissioning stories for our Dec/Jan 2022 edition, themed “The Attention Issue.” What works capture our attention in original, timely, or challenging ways? What works eschew it?What does it mean to make work in our online attention economy, measured in engagement time and CTR? What might it look like to refuse those demands? How can we better—more intentionally, perhaps—train our attention to the things that truly matter? Should we even want to do that? Could all this attention to attention just be another trap, exploitation that's then commodified and sold right back to us, at markup rates? What roles and perspectives are available to us as writers, artists, and readers? These are just a few of the questions I'd love to see engaged in the review-essay form! Or even microreview or department form. Would be great to see pitches (or existing drafts, if you already have them) in the next few weeks (say, June 23). In addition, we are open—as always—to other, non-Attention Issue-related pitches and submissions. You can write me at with "pitch" in the headline. Thank you for considering! For print reviews, it’s $150-250, depending on length. The rate for departments is $300. For microreviews it’s $50.
Henry Tolley @htolleyeditor: We are looking for queer writers to pitch for our Pride Through the Pandemic theme for @chapterzmag HMU we’re currently paying £30 for published pieces. DM me or email henry.tolley@chapterzmagazine.
scott gordon @scottgordonwi: Periodic reminder that @ToneMSN accepts pitches for reported pieces and commentary on culture and politics in the Madison area, and we pay writers. Reach us at Please read our pitch guidelines first though! Reported features are in the $150-$300 range, but will negotiate up based on the scope of work.
Kyle Sammin @KyleSammin: Starting this week, I will be senior editor at @PhillyWeekly. Philly-area writers, if you have a story, pitch it to me! ksammin@
Jessica Noah Morgan™🇯🇲 מלכּה @jnoahmorgan: Freelancers — I am commissioning for The Face (digi). I'd love to hear from you. Please pitch: Note: Please have a look at the website and familiarise yourself with what we publish. Please send fully formed pitches with bullet points. Attaching a pitching template that I've used in the past & have shared with my mentees. Make sure you sell yourself & believe in your sauce. Think: Who, what, when, where, how, why? [text in image: Pitching template Suggested headline: How would you see this on the website? Keep it short, sweet, and SELL IT! What's the story? A brief summary Why would like this? Explain what the publication's readership would gain from it. Have they published a piece like this before, and if so, how would this piece be different? Why now? NEWS HOOK. Why is it current, and why would people click/read this story now? Why me? This is where you sell yourself. Why should you be the one commissioned to write this story; what expertise or knowledge do you have? Have you done your research, what stats, case studies or interviews have you lined up? When can I file the copy? Give the editor a timeframe in which you can complete this work Word count: Suggest a suitable word count. 600-800 words for a news feature, 800-1,200 for long reads. Fee: An editor, when commissioning, will tell you what their budget is. Examples of your work: Always link to your portfolio here.] PLEASE: Put "PITCH" or "TIMELY PITCH" as your email subject line :) thank you.
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