Madamenoire's Managing Editor Wants Your Pitches

Get to know this brand because they pay freelance writers and because they are a great group of people. Not only because I've made money as a working freelance journalist with them in the past but because they DO pay their writers but because I've met some of the best black female editors on their team over the years.
IDA HARRIS, Managing Editor of @madamenoire posted that She wants to make something clear
In case I wasn’t clear—Pitch me.
Dear MadameNoire Family: A Letter From The Managing Editor
I’ve been a producer of content across multiple editorial roles: journalist, copywriter, copy editor, essayist and most recently senior editor at Black Enterprise. Above all, I am a storyteller. After years of putting in that work, I’m proud to announce that I’ve joined the Interactive One family as managing editor for MadameNoire.
Consider this a power move in that I am now empowered to curate unapologetic content at the intersection of Blackness, culture and womanhood, while shifting the power of storytelling into the hands of Black women whose narratives have otherwise been rejected—unheard, under-appreciated, underestimated and underrepresented.
In the spirit of my foremothers Toni Morrison, Ntozake Shange and Maya Angelou, my goal is to provide a stage for incredibly profound art and achievement; for remarkable histories and experiences; and for the most enchanting lives and lore known to the Black diaspora. I am committed to celebrating and centering and amplifying these stories through the lense of Black women—for the gaze of Black women.
MadameNoire is a space for women who occupy the world over from the corners of South Jamaica to the back blocks of Leimert Park; from the Delta to Decatur; from community college to Howard University; from Bedford Hills to Boardrooms because all Black women matter, all Black women deserve, all Black women will be heard.
Watch us work.
With Love,
Ida Harris
Read more from Ida here at
Email your pitches to Ida @
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