Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Good morning and Happy Friday. There are lots of opportunities to share today from the Atlantic, Architect's Journal, Bustle and Yahoo Finance and many more; so take the weekend to get your pitches together. Let's make some money. As always if you need help, hit me up ~ Darralynn
Katherine LaGrave, digital features editor AFAR - Travel Magazine: Email: klagrave@afar.com isLooking for some more Midwest-based food and travel writers for an upcoming project—please share! We are running a series of reported articles roughly between 600-1,000 words, to be pubbed in June. Rate starts at 50 cents a word.
Jonathan Borge, senior entertainment editor at @elitedail @senorborge: Did you come out as LGBTQ+ on TikTok *before* telling friends and family IRL? If so, @EliteDaily is looking for a Gen Z writer interested & comfortable sharing their account for a story! Email [jonathan.borge@bustle.com] with an intro + links to previous work. Happy Pride! The rate for this piece is $250, but we are open to negotiating.
Rachel Murphy senior staff writer at Reviewed @rachel_murphy: "Hi! I cover smart home for @reviewed. I’m looking for 1-2 freelancers who are well-versed in all things smart home and can be my go-to writers when coverage is needed. Assignments vary but you should be comfortable testing connected devices at home and familiar with Alexa/Google/Siri. Is this you? Send me links to your recent work at rmurphy@reviewed.com. Please also include a brief description of your smart home experience/knowledge.
Oscar Williams-Grut, acting Co-head at Yahoo Finance @OscarWGrut: email: Oscar@yahoofinance.com Freelancers! I want to hear from you. @YahooFinanceUK are looking for fresh blood. We are particularly looking for people who can cover pharma, property, and crypto. If that sounds like you and you want to have a conversation, drop me a line. #journojobs [Oscar@yahoofinance.com] [via email: our freelancing rates, it depends on the job. We currently have two ways of freelancing: on a per article basis or shifts, which are 8am-5pm on the day and usually involve quick stories based on business news announced on the day. For shifts, our day rate is $250. For articles, rates depend on the length and level of reporting.]
Jack Sommers @jack_sommers: A industry source tells me my tweets are annoyingly 'Mr editor'. So on that note - Send me your pitches! [jsommers@insider.com] Pitches, pitches - still very interested in crypto - exclusive interviews with people to say, analysis/first person pieces with experiences other want to read [jsommers@insider.com]
S.E. Fleenor @se_fleenor: I would LOVE to commission a fat, Black, queer writer to write about Shrill's final season and how Fran finally gets the love story she deserves for Bella Media Channel! Pitch me at: sefleenor@bellabooks.com
Architects’ Journal @ArchitectsJrnal: The AJ is always looking for new voices and we welcome pitches or submissions at any point. E-mail managing editor will.hurst@emap.com if you have something to say!
Olga Khazan @olgakhazan: I'm looking for fact-checkers in the DC area (or NoVa or Md) area who might be willing to take on a 3,500 word story. Please DM me or email me! (email in bio) It's a paid gig for a magazine (but not the Atlantic) [olga@theatlantic.com]
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