Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Amanda Kolson Hurley, Politics/policy editor at @Bloomberg Businessweek is looking for Feature Pitches
"Pitch me? DM or email with any questions. Open to feature pitches too if that's more your jam. "Bloomberg Businessweek is looking for smart news and news analysis stories on politics and policy from around the world. Our scope is intentionally broad: Whether a story is about a U.S. city trying to reform its police force, how a proposed tax reform led to unrest in Colombia, or China's crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong, we want writers to step back from the daily news cycle and tell readers what they might be missing and why it's important. Right now, we're especially interested in: 1/Stories on the intersection of politics with culture (including internet culture), religion, and other spheres 2/Profiles of interesting and/or under-the-radar political characters. Length is flexible, but the usual range is from about 800-1,200 words. Pay is very competitive."
Send pitches and a couple of clips to Amanda Kolson Hurley: ahurley21@bloomberg.net] [via DMs: the rate is $2/word]
Amelia Edelman, Deputy Editor at Parents Magazine is Looking for Personal Finance Stories
"Hi writers! For @parentsmagazine we're looking for snappy personal finance pitches on: newborn needs & school $$$—whether how to save, what you're spending on, or just plain how unfair these kid costs are. $200-300 for 800+ words, aedelman@meredith.com"
Matthew Rodriguez, Senior Editor at The Atlantic is Launching a New Section
"Hey all! I'm excited and proud to share the project I've been working on at @TheAtlantic. Today, we launched AMERICA IN PERSON, a new section with stories that explore what it means to be American, including American identity, cultures and subcultures theatlantic.com/projects/
ameri… ...For AMERICA IN PERSON, we're interested in seeing pitches that deal with cultures and subcultures, identities and communities. I'm interested in online cultures, especially, as well as stories that talk about moments of "friction" re: identity. By friction, I mean moments that made you feel your identity as part of a community in America more palpably. I'm interested in many genres, but especially stories that are rooted in reporting. Will also accept personal essays!"
Paulina Jayne Isaac, Features Editor at Runners World Magazine Is looking for Long Form Articles
"I have news I’m now the Features Editor at @runnersworld @BicyclingMag @PopMech @BestProducts and will focus on editing long-form pieces. So excited to put on my editing cap and learn from the talented minds at Hearst! Pitch me at paulina.isaac@hearst.com :) I feel the need to add that I’m open to pitches from writers—not publicists. Thanks!"
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