Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

Writing Opportunities for Freelancers Like Me

The team over here at the Stylists Suite found several opportunities for freelancers looking to get some pitches off this Mother's Day week. Lots of good pitching to be done at Vice, Film Daze, The Independent, National Geographic and Seattle Times.


IF you need help with pitching hit me up. I'm here to help. ~ Darralynn


CANNABIS PITCHES: May Woods @MayMWoods: ‼️Hey friends, some news that I will soon be a contributing editor (!) and *commissioning* for a magazine all about cannabis - we’re going to be looking for investigations, culture & music features, medicinal and industry lowdowns. Global focus. Quality pieces with a cannabis angle. More to be revealed shortly, but if this is something any of my freelancer contacts might be into, have passion about etc - slide into my DMs and I’ll add you to my spreadsheet. Will be taking pitches and assigning pieces v soon. Paid - rates TBC. Email Address: maywoodsfreelance@gmail.com



NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PAYS VERY GOOD: Starlight Williams @star_lightw: Shopping for pitches again! Looking for a smart Juneteenth + Travel story for Nat Geo. Something that adds to the conversation. I don't have a specific angle in mind so out of the box thinking is encouraged. @womenwriterswin @WritersofColor Pay? $1000 for 1200-1500 words but TBD Adding...I know that I'm not looking for a listicle style article, and if a quick Google search brings up at least 3 versions of your pitch...it's a nah from me fam. [Starlight.williams@natgeo.com

FIRST DAY AS EDITOR AT VICE'S REC ROOM: Ian Burke @burkeianw: update: today is my first day at @VICE - I'll be an editor for Rec Room, so pitch away!! vice.com/en/section/sho… [NOTE: told me via DMs that he would prefer people wait a week to pitch because he's still onboarding/getting settled but that he would respond to questions in the thread as soon as he can.] 


FILM REVIEWS $15 A POP: Film Daze @filmdazeHell, why not: Folks, we want to see some more pitches for Issue 8 of the Film Daze Magazine. Our theme is new beginnings: it can be about a franchise starting over, an actor, a character, a director, a genre. Whatever speaks to you. We'll be open until midnight on May 10th! [Guidelines: https://filmdaze.net/submissions/$10 for reviews $15 for features (articles, essays, think pieces, listicles, and magazine features*)]
Stefanie Loh @StefanieLoh: FREELANCE GIG ALERT: We're looking for a freelance reporter who can write recaps and features about the next season of "The Bachelorette" that starts in June and features Seattle's Katie Thurston. Interested? Want more info? Email sloh@seattletimes.com by Wednesday, May 12
Nadine White @Nadine_Writes: We, at @Independent, are looking to commission more news pieces telling Black stories. Feel free to send pitches to nadine.white@independent.co.uk

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