Cosmopolitan's Features Director Looking For Pitches

Erin Quinlan, Features Director of Cosmopolitan Posted:
"PITCH CALL! 📡 Cosmo is seeking feature proposals for the November print issue. Theme is COMEBACKS, but whatever—all good ideas welcome. Pay rate: $1.50-$2/word. Pitch deadline: July 8. Email in bio. Addl guidelines below to conserve your time and energy ⬇️🌈
🔥Our most urgent need: deep-dive reported narratives. Very much on the hunt for audacious, multilayered, journalistic reads that chronicle real-life series of events, with human sources driving the action forward. STORY stories, y’know? An eternal challenge and a top priority.🙏
✅ Investigative projects: If you’re a seasoned longform journalist with a lead on a possible exposé or bombshell exclusive, but you need support to determine whether there’s enough “there” there, let’s talk about ways Cosmo might facilitate your reporting.
✅ Culturally significant trend pieces … with the caveat that every trend story is a gross sweaty race to be first. (If the trend seems so visible and ripe for the picking that another outlet could easily grab it, it’s probably a pass for Cosmo’s long-lead print pages.)
✅ Non-celeb profiles: studies of fascinating figures who are making waves in some corner of the universe. Most interested in profiles with a timely aspect that take the audience beyond what is publicly known about the person.
✅ Photo essays: If you’re a freelance photojournalist who recently shot an event/subculture/whatever that feels noteworthy, (and you haven’t published the pics in a major outlet), let’s chat. Cosmo occasionally develops reported pieces around compelling news photography.
✅ Unorthodox stories and formats that defy succinct summary. Idk, open to invention!!
🚫 Please note that I do not have a home for servicey how-to articles, first-person essays, or topic-driven explainers at this time.
💌 My inbox is pretty bananas. Please do not hesitate to send me a follow-up note if I still owe you a reply after 3 weeks! I could not function in my role without ongoing collaboration from freelance journalists and am grateful to everyone doing this work."
Email Erin Quinlan at
PITCH CALL! 📡 Cosmo is seeking feature proposals for the November print issue. Theme is COMEBACKS, but whatever—all good ideas welcome. Pay rate: $1.50-$2/word. Pitch deadline: July 8. Email in bio. Addl guidelines below to conserve your time and energy ⬇️🌈
— Erin Quinlan (@ErinRoseQ) July 4, 2022
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